Lightning rod ESE french  Lightning rod ESE french  Lightning rod ESE french  Lightning rod ESE french  Lightning rod ESE french



Benefits of the lightning rod for priming device

- Optimal protection area 
- Simple implementation 
- Protection against lightning adapted to each site 
- Low realization budget 
- Limited maintenance costs 
- Management and maintenance history 

 Options : 

- Remote diagnosis system 
- In-real-time warnings 
- Eight colours available 
- Lifetime warranty



Paraton@ir® Early Streamer Emitter lightning rods are part and parcel of a complete protection against lightning system, including also downward conductors, grounding, etc... 
Before its implementation, a protection against lightning system must be the object of an in-depth study. 
To provide an optimal security, this system must also be installed in compliance with the standards in force and the manufacturer's instructions. 
To benefit from your product warranty, your protection against lightning system must imperatively follow those study and installation codes. 
Our licensed partners (distributors, installers) are proficient in ensuring you the necessary conditions to the preservation of your warran



French Quality - Worldwide Efficiency, that is our motto.

We design, manufacture and carry out lightning protection installations Made in France, always adapting to the requirements of our customers to realize all their projects.

The philosophy of LPS France® is simple: dedicate our human skills and our technological resources to the creation of quality products and services to ensure the protection against lightning of people and goods around the world. Day after day, our staff puts this philosophy into practice.  


Today our technologies, our knowledge and our experiments allow us to offer you high quality solutions in the field of lightning protection. Without a fragile boot system, we have designed the most reliable and durable product on the market for indirect lightning protection by following the human technological advances: Lightning rod Early Streamer Emitter device.

In addition to lightning protection, we are also specialized in the prevention and maintenance of your installation with specialized product lines in the remote and real-time monitoring of your installation allowing the triggering of preventive maintenance necessary and obligatory to all protection systems. against lightning to keep all its effectiveness.

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